Residential/Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor Lighting

There is nothing that highlights and emphasizes beautiful architecture or a well designed landscape quite like a carefully planned outdoor lighting scheme.

Landscape lights not only provide a beautiful night-time scene, they also provide a more secure setting around your home. With bright LEDs shining on your home and its surroundings, you can rest easy at night knowing you can stroll through your property without the risk of tripping or falling.

Photo Stream

Pathway Lighting

Line your walkways and driveway with path lights. While visually quelling your fears, path lights also serve as helpful guides for guests who may need assistance and guidance towards the front door

Lighting garden paths make evening strolls through the garden all the more enjoyable. Additionally, our lights can illuminate your home and lawn so that those who pass by will see how beautiful it is.

Landscape Lighting

Landscape lighting not only highlights well designed features, but it also conceals those features that may want to be concealed. Well and spot lights shine directly on a specimen or accent tree or architectural features.

Using Special IP67 grade waterproof LED lamps and fixtures ensure longevity across different weather conditions

Accent Outdoor Lighting

Decorative and accent outdoor lighting creates inviting and intimate outdoor gathering or entry spaces